Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Compassion vs Justice

Today, there is an immigration raid at a Massachusetts factory. In recent years, immigration has been a hot topic in the United States. Some say that we should be compassionate to these illegal immigrants and give them a chance; some say that they broke the law and deserve justice. Both sides have valid arguments, who is right?

Many people believe that the illegals risked their lives to come to the US so that they can get better jobs to send money back to their home, therefore the US should be compassionate and allow these people to continue to stay in this country. However, this notion sends a wrong message that compassion trumps the law and is a typical case of rewarding bad behavior.

On the other hand, there are certainly cases where the whole family came to the US illegally and stayed for years! Some of these children receive education until high school but are unable to attend university because of financial or legal reasons. Most of them end up on the street as gangsters because they lack the skills and legal status to look for jobs. They came to this country not by choice (of their own). Their lives have already been destroyed once because of a dead end in their future, bringing them to justice and round them up in jail certainly will destroy their lives once again.

A solution that pleases both aisles must be one that can minimize illegal border crossing by allowing migrants to enter the country with legally. At the same time, this solution must severely punish those who disrespect the law. A guest worker program is a step to this direction, but it must be accompanied by a comprehensive immigration reform that addresses many issues of the existing system.

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